Fall Color Dates in WNC

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fall color

According to Michael Denslow of the Department of Biology at Appalachian State University, and his great website, peak fall color for the Henderson County area is October 24-31.

fall color map App State Univ.

This fall color map from Appalachian State University predicts we will see peak color in mid-late October.

Experts from NC State University predict, “Fall colors should begin in the upper elevation of the mountains by the end of September and then gradually spread across the state. Peak colors can be expected from mid-October in the upper mountains to mid-November in the lower Piedmont and Coastal Plain.”

The article continues by saying,  “the best fall color is after a dry summer followed by early fall rains. Any other weather including fall droughts, hurricanes, excessive rain and abnormal temps can impact fall colors.”

sweetgum fall color