4-H W.H.E.P Competition 2024 Results!

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4-Hers with the Young Naturalist 4-H Club competed Saturday, May 4 in the State 4-H W.H.E.P competition held at FENCE State Park in Tryon, NC. We are so proud of each of the competitors and coaches who put great effort into preparation for this day!

WHEP (National Wildlife Habitat Education Program) is a hands-on environmental education program that provides an opportunity to test wildlife knowledge in a friendly competition!

The annual State contest location moves to different areas of the State each year. Rarely does Henderson County miss the opportunity to send a team to compete. WHEP Practice  The Young Naturalist 4-H Club held WHEP practices where 4-H’ers learned about native wildlife habitats, identification, management practices and writing/speaking skills each week that they met together. The Club practiced hard to send teams of  similarly aged 4-H individuals to the competition held in May! Their diligent efforts paid off placing as teams and individual awards!

Jr Team – 1st place (Zane Capps, Sadie Eatmon, Avery Powers and Isaac Wilkie)
Jr Individual – 2nd place (Zane Capps)
Jr Individual – 1st place (Avery Powers)
Sr Individual – 2nd place (Maggie McCall)

All competitors from Henderson County: Wyatt Merrell, Sadie Eatmon, Avery Powers, Zane Capps, Isaac Wilkie, Maggie McCall)

“I am so very proud of all of our competitors as well as for those who attended all of the WHEP practices every week. Congratulations to all our WHEPPERS. You all are awesome!!” – Ranae Worrell (4-H Club Leader)

WHEP Competition