July 4th Recipe Ideas

— Written By
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July 4th Healthy Recipe Alternatives

Are you planning a potluck for Independence Day?

The 4th of July holiday is an important time of year for my family. We all gather at one person’s house to have a big meal and enjoy a (usually hot) July afternoon. Each member of the family brings a dish, and while they are all delicious, we often reach for fried, sugary, and processed foods. Rich meals with an abundance of carbs and saturated fats that leave us nearly too tired to watch the evening firework display.

So what common July 4th dishes can you substitute with healthier options?


Lentil Burgers

Quinoa Pinto Bean Burger


Colorful potato salad spilling out onto a plate.

Colorful Potato Salad

Bright red tomato.

Corn, Sweet Onion, and Tomato Salad

Pasta Salad


Berry Blast Bars


Fruity Frozen Treats


A glass of water flavored with fresh mint and strawberry.

Strawberry Mint Water

Ginger Green Tea in a tall glass.

Ginger Green Tea

Enjoy many other healthy recipes from these sites:


