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4-H Animal Agriculture Programs

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Often when individuals think 4-H, they think agriculture and livestock! While 4-H provides numerous opportunities for individuals with different interests and goals, it still has deep roots in animal agriculture programs, and rightly so!

4-H’s motto is “learning by doing.” Through 4-H animal programs, youth learn responsibility, empathy, determination, financial skills, leadership, and good sportsmanship. (And that is the condensed list!)

Animal Agriculture Programs in Henderson County

Livestock Judging, Quiz bowl and Skill-a-thon
Timeline: March – July, weekly practices

Livestock Judging Youth who participate in these contests learn how to evaluate livestock animals, tools, feeds, breeds, cuts of meat, and more. Beyond the content material – they develop critical thinking skills, practice public speaking, and have to be able to justify their placings in oral reasons. It is a lot of fun to see them develop these skills as we practice over 6 months, and rewarding to see them be recognized at the state contest for their work!

WNC 4-H Pullet Program
Timeline: March – August

Pullet Project

This program is designed for youth ages 5-18 in Western North Carolina who are interested in raising and showing laying hens. The WNC 4-H Pullet Project gives youth the opportunity to…

  • Raise 5 chicks from 2 days old until approximately 4 months old (laying hen breeds)
  • Participate in training workshops to learn about chick care, husbandry, general health, housing, handling, and showmanship skills.
  • Show your chickens with other program participants in the final WNC 4-H Pullet Project Show.

The WNC Dairy Beef Feeder Calf Program
Timeline: February – September, application required

Dairy Steer

Participants in the program will be provided a dairy calf that they will feed and care for at their home or another approved facility from March through the Mountain State Fair in September when the calves are sold. Participants must attend an informational orientation to prepare them for their project, participate in other events/clinics where they will work with their calf, and conclude their project by showing and selling their calves at the WNC Mountain State Fair.

WNC Market Hog Program
Timeline: April – September, application required

Market HogParticipants in the program will be provided a market hog that they will feed and care for at their home or another approved facility.
Families will be responsible for their pig from April through September when the Market Hogs are sold. Participants must attend an informational orientation to prepare them for their project, participate in other events/clinics where they will work with their pig, and conclude their project by showing at the Mountain State Fair and selling their hogs at the Post-fair Auction following the Mountain State Fair.

Join or Start an Agriculture Focused 4-H Club!
Timeline: Year-around!

4-H Clubs are often where we see best support of long-term youth development and building of community amongst our 4-Hers. 4-H Club instill essential life skills such as leadership, commitment, and nurturing relationships all while working on livestock, agriscience, horticulture, or other agriculture related projects!

Click here if you are interested in 4-H Clubs

Interested in learning more? Contact 4-H Agent or Livestock Agent!